Sunday, August 21, 2016

How to lose weight naturally (22 home remedies) | how to lose weight fast at home in a month

How to lose weight naturally (22 home remedies)

Weight Loss in daily roots book chapter start on weight loss by saying that I think that there are only two ways to really manage weight through exercise and healthy eating. There is simply no magic shortcut, and although this may seem obvious to some people, overlooked far, far away often. Now you're probably wondering if diet and exercise is the only way to lose weight, why you
wrote this list. Because there are still natural remedies and recipes that will help you achieve your goal in the end. If you use this in addition to eat better and exercise, they can accelerate this process. There are many factors that contribute to weight gain loss, so that the remedies under a range hood.

Learn how to lose weight naturally. Ideal for anyone who wants to drop a few pounds or a complete change of life...

Before you go in, we must have a simple understanding of the process of going through your body when you drop the pounds. Fat (proteins and carbohydrates) stored energy, plain and simple. Calorie is a unit used to measure the potential energy in those fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Your body fat will be converted into usable energy through a series of chemical processes, and any excess energy (calories) you do not have to be stored away. To lose weight, you should spend more energy (or calories) you take. When you are using more than one take, and supports the body to store fat to be converted into energy, which makes the fat cells shrink. They do not disappear. Simply change the format, such as water vapor. Although this is the basic process, you must also take into account the genetic and environmental factors. How practical is mentioned above varies from one person to another.

22 home remedies how to lose weight

1. Cinnamon Tea for lose weight

Blood sugar has a direct impact on your weight because it affects how hungry and how active you are (if you have the energy you are more inclined to exercise!)

If the percentage of sugar in the blood balanced, and you're less likely to have a big appetite disproportionately, and your body will be more likely to use fat (energy) rather than store it.

While the debate over their effectiveness continues, more and more of the initial studies show that cinnamon helps to manage blood sugar levels, so why not prepare tea and cinnamon hot?

You will need...
-1 Teaspoon of cinnamon coffee powder
-1 Cinnamon stick
-8 Ounces of fresh water

Put cinnamon in a cup and cover with 8 ounces of boiling water. Steep for 15 minutes before straining. Drink 1-2 times a day.

Cinnamon tea metabolism

2. Green tea and ginger for lose weight fast

It has long been discussed Assistant green tea to lose weight as a factor, and there is a need for more research to confirm or refute the way it works. Although some studies have established something, others identified three major components of green tea can help manage weight of caffeine, catechist and thiamine. Caffeine is just a boost to the private system in general, and the acceleration of a number of physical processes, including metabolism associated with weight (Technically, metabolism refers to any and all biological processes in living organisms is essential to life.)

Considered catechist antioxidant flavonoids, the highest in green tea than black tea because there is a difference in treatment (fermented black tea.) In spite of what remains to be determined mechanism, in vitro and in vivo have shown that antioxidants can help reduce the absorption of fat (lipids) of intestine. Thiamine is an amino acid in green tea may promote the secretion of dopamine, a chemical that make you "happy" and relax. If you tend to eat due to stress, it can be useful. It also responds to caffeine is not nervous at all. Ginger is added to the green tea helps to improve digestion and add flavor not some sugar or milk in this tea!

You will need...
-1/2 Inch of fresh ginger root, peeled and finely chopped or ½ teaspoon ground ginger
-1 Teaspoon green tea
-8 Ounces of fresh water
-raw, Organic honey (optional)

Put green tea and ginger in a colander or sieve, cover with 8 ounces of boiling water. Green tea soak for too long can leave a bitter taste, it should not exceed 3-4 minutes. You can integrate a bit of raw honey if you really need to desalination, but avoid milk or sugar at all costs. Drink 1-2 glasses a day on an empty stomach.

Green tea for weight loss

3. Rose petal water for lose weight 

Certified water benefits petal rose more than anecdotal evidence that everything, but not a reason to ignore these soft drinks is still refreshing. It rose petals as a mild diuretic. Diuretics encourage the kidneys to put more sodium (salt) in the urine. This excess salt in turn draws water from the blood, thereby reducing the amount of water in your system, the circulatory system. This is not just a weight loss "permanent" and weight, but the water work encourages you to drink more and keep your system clean and moist survey. Stay hydrated, believe it or not, it can be very useful for weight loss.


You will need...
-Handful Fresh or dried rose petals
Water -Distilled (about 1-2 cups)
-A Pot with a tight lid
Note: Make sure, especially if you use fresh rose petals, it is not handled with any type of chemicals (pesticides, insecticides, herbicides, fertilizers, etc.)

Place the pot on the stove, put in rose petals, and add distilled water just enough to cover the full. If some float on the surface, it's not a big deal. Cover the pot with a tight lid and simmer until most of the petals lose their color, about 15-20 minutes. Strain the liquid into a jar and store in refrigerator for up to 6 days. Drink about half 1 cup every morning on an empty stomach.

Rose water

4. Ginseng for lose weight

Ginseng is one of 11 perennials with fleshy roots belong to the genus Pan ax. Although there are different types of ginseng, whether that should be used -also those who have the most double-blind studies conducted controlled it, it is the American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) and Asian or Korean ginseng (Pan ax ginseng). While it is known widely as a stimulant to speed up your metabolism is slow, and this description does not do justice. Greater quality ginseng is that it can help fight fatigue and energy boost and vigilance (in the blind experiment in 2010, 290 cancer patients at the Mayo Clinic Hospital ginseng received every day, showing up to fight fatigue debilitating resulting from chemotherapy.) This is huge in terms of loss weight, without power, it is difficult to exercise. Without exercise, it is almost impossible to lose weight, at least in a healthy way. In addition to stimulating energy, and there is evidence, in principle, help to manage blood sugar levels, which also affects the energy and appetite levels.

You will need...
-1 Tablespoon ground coffee American or Korean ginseng
-8 Ounces of fresh water
Crude / lemon honey to taste (optional)

Coarsely cut off the roots and measure 1 teaspoon per cup of water. Bring water to a boil, then pour over ginseng, and allow it to soak for 5-9 minutes. Strain, add honey or lemon if you like, and drink 1-2 times a day.

5. Dandelion and Peppermint

Dandelion and mint tea is a wonderful drink that will help you maintain a healthy liver. The liver is the amazing device. Not only is it the only way to really remove toxins from your body, it also plays a central role in many metabolic weights a lot of processes that affect. In terms of fat metabolism and the liver is full break down fat and convert it into usable energy cells. These cells are also responsible for the flow of bile, which allows ventilation and absorption of fat. In carbohydrate metabolism and liver helps to keep blood sugar stable in the blood, thus preserving the energy levels and regulate appetite. The list is long, but the point is to help the liver helps your weight, it also plays a crucial role in lipid management and absorbed. Dandelion and mint both helps the liver. Dandelion components Hepatitis infection with Hepatitis means inflammation of the ability to prevent liver damage. Mint and dandelion both automatically stimulate the production of bile in the liver; it helps digestion and absorption of nutrients. A combination of both, and you have a liver tea strong protection!

You will need...
-1 Teaspoon dried dandelion leaves
-1 Teaspoon dried mint leaves
-8 Ounces of boiling water
-Lemon to taste (optional)

Pour a cup of boiling water on the dandelion and mint and steep, covered, for 5-10 minutes. Strain, add lemon to taste if you like, drink a cup twice a day. You can also do this with a fresh dandelion / roots and fresh mint leaves, just use a bunch of raw fresh leaves of quantity. If you are using fresh, be sure that there is absolutely no chemical applied to them, which is important particularly for dandelion. If you use a dandelion on a regular basis, I suggest growing it yourself.

6. Sip on Sage for lose weight fast

We live in a busy world, and most of us are stressed about something or another on a daily basis. And, it did nothing to announce our body to deal with the constant pressure, and it can have adverse effects on a wide range of functions, including weight gain / loss. Under pressure, The body called cortical, a steroid hormone that is part of the fight or flight. Cortical can affect the level of sugar in the blood (up an appetite), thereby causing the power to be more easily stored in the form of fat. Neuropeptide Y is a petrochemical that is also linked to stress. When released, it causes the fatty tissue growth (energy is stored as fat easily around the abdomen), and increased appetite. One way to combat these underlying pressures may be wiser to accommodate, which has a calming effect on the body and mind. Make a tea with quiet sage, or simply add in dishes that cook, it is a way to help fight stress level.

You will need...
-A Handful of fresh sage or 2 teaspoons dried sage tea
-8 Ounces of boiling water
-Lemon To taste (optional)

Pour water on the wise and steep for 4-5 minutes. Strain, add lemon to taste if you like, and drink 1-2 times a day.

Treatment of sage tea

7. Chewing gum is a great way lose weight fast

Chewing gum is a great way to trick your brain (and your stomach) into thinking it is more than it is. Reduces the flavor of gum appetite and slows the desire to snack is a healthy thing, and also stimulates the flow of saliva and enzymes help break down carbohydrates and fats.

You will need...
-1 Piece of natural sugar-free gum

When you feel that you need to start nibbling, pop a piece of gum instead.

8. Do you have a routine (and stick to it)

And there is a routine, in my opinion, the three most important things you can do to lose weight, even with the presence of exercise and dieting. If you do not follow the routine, we do not see results, and will be discouraged. Before that several years ago, I saw a personal trainer, and it paid a decent amount of money, I thought it was routine to see the biggest difference. It is probably the toughest you have to do when trying to lose weight, but once these habits become wired to the brain, the easier things will get only.

9. Just Add Water for lose weight fast 

Staying hydrated is an important aspect of weight loss that people brush more often you do not want to get the weight of water and feel bloated correctly? Either that or heard that you should drink ice water to burn more calories. not exactly. The idea that the ice water to burn more calories than your body is trying to "warm up" for the first time may be technically true, but the result is a small (small to 8 calories.) Instead, you'll be wet body to operate smoothly, and this It includes burning fat. It hurt bad things through your system, and also helps to reduce appetite. And do not worry about the weight of the water if you stay hydrated, it is less likely to hold water in the body, and because it just does not need to be similar to how to eat more may make weight loss easier, within reason. I must also say, do not buy the specialty water! Get vitamins through food or supplements. This water is best for you, in fact, and even loaded with some of the smells and soda on his rival.

You will need...
-8 Ounces of fresh water

Drink at least eight glasses of pure water a day.

10. Coconut oil (as grease replacement)

In the 1970s and 80s, was paid saturated fat in the spotlight is the main cause of obesity. Coconut oil, the presence of saturated fat, has been cast with the rest of them. Alternative health that we created? Unsaturated fats. We can say that a little counterproductive any results? Coconut oil is a saturated fat is not only old, but; it has a unique kind of fat called medium chain triglycerides which helps you to use energy (aka calories) more efficient. These centers saturated fat, in fact, but it is not the same as most other saturated fats, and we hear, and these fats are triglycerides long chain. Why any length? In chemical composition is what determines how the body processes and decompose. MCT is not broken down in the gut, and thus are not stored immediately in the form of fat. Instead, it is absorbed intact and sent directly to the liver, where it is used as energy sources. Now, sitting around eating coconut oil will not make you lose weight, but using it as a replacement of grease can be a good choice. In addition to this, simply raw coconut oil is an incredible appetite (that's almost scary, actually.) Tacking on what can increase energy levels and you are more likely to get, and move, and exercise.

With respect to the studies on the go, here are a few that I mentioned in the book roots every day. In 2002, the nutrition that can help you loses weight when used in place of a long series of triple patrol found. It was also found that significantly reduce appetite extent and it seems to increase calorie burning. In 2003 obesity research he found that it can help burn calories, probably due to the fact that it may stimulate energy. In 2010, he found the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, as it can help promote metabolism and reduce appetite.

You will need...
-2 Tablespoons of good coconut oil from the nuts pressed cold

Twice a day, take 1 tablespoon of coconut oil. You can take before, during or after a meal. If you tend to struggle with the descent, and suggested taking it before eating, or if the candy demon, take a right after dinner. In terms of substitution, and it used instead of olive oil and the like.

Coconut oil helps weight loss

11. Yogurt and honey This is a great for lose weight fast

This is a great / snack and breakfast. It's one of those "I think it is good for me!" Type foods. Probiotics in yogurt do wonders for the path of the digestive system and maintains a healthy balance of intestinal flora to improve digestion and distribution of certain substances (such as fat.) When the digestive system running smoothly, your body process of dealing with things, and is not likely to pound package. Honey is just a nice (healthy) and added little to satisfy every desire you may have. The nice thing here is that you really do not feel like you are in contact or any flavor of fullness when eating. For the best numbing weight loss, try low-fat yogurt.

Note: There was a time when some large companies began to add a lot of sugar, milk quantities exceeded those found in sugar-sweetened breakfast cereals such as a lucky charm. People swallow and asked how it could be very tasty and good for you, when really the image and integrity of the milk and offended only. Read the nutrition label first.

You will need...
1 / 2-1 cup plain (not vanilla) yogurt
-1 Tablespoon of raw organic honey, or to taste

Eat a snack or breakfast, add honey for flavor. Do not hesitate to try to add fresh fruit or even oatmeal for a little variety.

Milk and honey

12. Get enough sleep

Our body is a cohesive unit, a complex system, not just individual pieces. Everything must work smoothly things to be balanced and correct, as your weight. Studies have shown that even just a little bit of sleep deprivation on a short time of 4 nights results in increased insulin resistance, and metabolic mainly ages 10-20 years in this period. It decreased insulin sensitivity of fat cells by 30% to reach levels that were typically in people who suffer from obesity or diabetes. By getting the proper amount of sleep and you do more than just rest your body you ensure that all systems are go, and you have the best possible chance of success in losing weight.

13. Black pepper and lemon juice

This concoction hot little black pepper and lemon juice to create a drink that can help you keep ahead of your weight loss battle contain. Black pepper contains a natural chemical compound called piperine, which is responsible for giving pungent flavor. Several new studies that piperine may interfere with the genes that control the generation of fat cells have shown, as well as reduce fat levels in the blood and improve the absorption of nutrients from our food. Lemon juice can help digestion and give G.I. Followed by hand when it comes to break down food.

You will need...
-Several Sprinkles of freshly ground black pepper
-Juice of half a lemon
Refreshing -me

Mixing lemon juice with water and sprinkle with black pepper (3-4 pepper flour.) Drink once a day after a meal.

Lemon and black pepper syrup

14. Bottle gourd juice

Bottle gourd is the old world fruit bombed hard to anecdotal evidence suggests it can help you lose weight. People who swear by it find that, because of the high content of fiber, it creates a feeling of fullness and desire to the border. He is also a high percentage of water (always a good thing) and a number of key nutrients. If you want to drink a bottle gourd juice, do not do it in a way be used for "starve" yourself (see below). Your body needs all the (good) food and nutrients it needs to maintain a balanced diet, however, it is a great way to help resist the cravings and snacking potential wild!

You will need...
-1 Cup bottle gourd juice, chilled
-A Little lemon juice

When you feel the urge to snack, drink a cup of cold juice bottle gourd with lemon juice added.

15. Eat more (and what to eat in the first place)

Denial never works. Its painful conflicts that always fail. Instead of starving your body the nutrients it needs to stay in good health, eat "more" goodies. Break your meals up to 5 or 6 small daily to curb snacking (which is when a lot of weight gain for many people happens) and prevent the body to store more fat is formed when he said he was "hungry." Ask yourself also why you eat first, we often eat from boredom or stress or nerves. Wait until you feel the rumble and make your stomach tell you when it needs to eat.

16. Apple Snacks

An apple a day keeps the weight at bay! Although not entirely of nutrients such as fruits or vegetables and others, Apple still has a number of advantages that can contribute to weight loss. First, they are packed with fiber, which helps reduce appetite, so you eat when you feel the urge to snack foods are some less than desirable. Second, they can help regulate blood sugar levels and thus help to regulate appetite and energy levels. Third, the pectin in apples can lower cholesterol, and serve as another way to help regulate blood sugar levels by slowing the absorption of carbohydrates. Finally, Apple is the natural food is low in sodium, which can help prevent excess water retention and water weight.

You will need...
Fresh apple -1-2

Rinse and cut an apple eat 1-2 a day. Leave the skin on, which contains a good amount of fiber.

An apple

17. Add the asparagus in

Show for fruits and vegetables in season, and jump on asparagus when it arises. Asparagus is rich in nutrients and, like apples, and contains a lot of fiber to help curb your appetite. It also contains a wide range of vitamins that work together to metabolize blood sugar, and to regulate the level of sugar in the blood. If you feel bloated or swollen, asparagus is a mild diuretic diuretic that can help reduce puffiness and leave you feeling your best. Try eating asparagus steamed vegetables on the side of my favorite dishes you do not need much to make it taste good

You will need...
-1 Bunch of asparagus

Wash the asparagus slightly and peel stems if thick. Place in a saucepan with ½-1 inch of water and cover with a tight lid. Reduce the heat to medium-high and steam for 3 minutes, or until asparagus is tender and can be easily pierced with a fork.


18. Put a fork or spoon down between bites

Your brain lags your stomach by about 20 minutes, which means that it is not the best thing for the moment and just let your knowledge when you're full. To avoid overeating, and thus necessary additional calories are not consumed, slow down your diet by putting a fork or spoon down between bites. You may feel a little silly at first, but it can really help when it comes to managing your weight.

19. Snack on Flax

Flaxseed has been known to help with digestive problems for several centuries, and goes with weight loss. Flaxseed is rich in fiber and mucilage, which helps to lower cholesterol. It has also been shown to reduce the level of sugar in the blood. With such a high amount of fiber, flaxseed also serves as a way to gentle natural to regulate bowel movements and help to promote healthy intestinal bacteria, and those that work well to help in weight management. It is important to eat ground flaxseed, because it tends to pass through the gut undigested if eaten whole, depriving you of the nutritional benefits.

You will need...
-1 Tablespoon of ground flax seeds

Once a day to eat a tablespoon of ground flax seeds and irrigation on grain or oats if I had a personal preference.

20. Milk Thistle

Milk thistle flavonoids known active compounds in summarily name contains. Simalrilyn helps to protect the liver, vital organ regarding the management of weight and promote weight loss. When your liver bogged down and slow weight loss can be slowed down up to 30% *. And summarily in milk thistle can help reverse this. There are several ways to take milk thistle, but I would recommend capsule form (make sure that the source is reliable) or tincture form, because the milk thistle does not give advantages when dipped in water (as is the case when it is done in the tea).

You will need...
Thistle capsules or tincture -Milk

Follow package instructions for dosages.

21. Go ahead, eat chocolate

Remember deprivation barely functioning? When you get the urge for a sweet treat, and turn to the dark chocolate. It will help you curb your desire with insulin resistance to reduce the flavonoids. Have healthy fats in dark chocolate also slow down the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream, preventing the "peaks of insulin." Studies have shown that eating certain can help stop cravings for sugar, salt and fat. However, it must be chocolate cocoa 70%, and only had a lot of milk or added sugar to be useful.

You will need...
-70% Of dark chocolate

Immediately after a meal, eat a piece of dark chocolate almost the size of a thumb to discern some of the benefits.

Dark Chocolate

22. Date of marine and beans...

Beans, beans, the magical fruit, the more you eat ... you lose weight? Apparently, because the protein in the Navy beans may take some time to digest, reducing the appetite and helps in weight loss management. Fiber in the Navy beans can help reduce cholesterol.

You will need...
-1 Cup of dried beans
-3 Cups water

Prepare the beans to add 3 cups fresh water and a bowl for each cup of dry beans, so that the liquid level is about 1-2 inches above the beans. Bring water to a boil, then reduce heat, cover partially and bowl. Skim foam that develops, and simmer for 1-1 hours and a half hour until tender. In addition to a salad or dish to use on their own.

When I try to understand how to lose weight, and we know that there is really nothing magical that work for everyone. Yes, diet and exercise is essential, but different people, different bodies, and you need to consider things like genetics, health status, sex and age. It may be clear to your colleague chewing down on donuts in the office while you take authority and ask how they managed to stay fit so when you eat all you want, but do not let it pull you down. The journey is different for everyone, but there is always a way to accomplish that. If in doubt, simplify the situation is good, eating food and proper exercise. We turned eating and weight loss in the science that studies the little things we feel like we are not able to eat right and lose weight without professional help. Assuming you have any exceptional case to complicate the situation, you can achieve your goals yourself! It may be difficult, but hey, it is things like these treatments can give a hand.

Weight loss tips

Weight is not everything. Muscle weighs more than fat, and be fit and in good health is more important than being an incredibly "thin." Look good health to you, and do not forget it!

, Do not underestimate the stress as a cause of weight gain. The body can not perform any function, including the burning of fat for energy, optimally under pressure.

, There are no super foods. Do not rely on just one thing to help you lose weight, and always maintain a balanced diet.

, Does eating before bedtime. Criticizes your metabolism on the brakes when you go to sleep, to eat at night makes overweight difficult to avoid.

Obtain Valsidik to the goals that the two of you tender. When you lose the desire or motivation, it may be a friend all that is between success and failure.
Reading a book called salt, sugar and fat: How commentator Giants us food in the New York Times investigative Michael Moss. Do it. It will give you something new and concrete to withstand when trying to avoid junk food. At the risk of sounding corny, it has changed my life actually.

-A Lines of the first party management and weight to be healthy and happy in the end. Ignoring the ideal figures of the images. Forget the stupid society bombarded with things that you, tell you what you should look like. To say that is easier said than done is an understatement of the century, but try to keep in mind. When I was in good health and happy, you really shine from the inside.

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